How To Backup CNC Professional Configuration with CNCSETUP Application

What Is CNC Setup

CNC Setup is Windows Application and is part of Camsoft’s CNC Professional Controller system. CNC Setup is installed on the PC as part of the normal CNC Professional software installation process. CNC Setup is used to set default settings for the machine operator interface or HMI and for machine operation.

Why Copy Settings To A Backup File

CNC Setup automatically saves settings to configuration files located in the installation directory. These settings are critical for the normal function and operation of the machine. The CNC Professional Control Operator Interface application uses and loads these settings into memory as it is launched and while it is running. Systems integration is the process of configuring the CNC Controller software and hardware for machine control. The systems integration is done by a machine manufacturer who is building a new CNC machine. The integration can also be done as a retrofit to replace an existing CNC controller. Once the integration is done, the settings remain the same and reside on the hard drive of the PC on the machine. A hard drive crash could lead to losing configuration settings and settings files. Losing these settings would mean losing the pre-configured functionality and operability of the machine. Keeping a copy of these settings in a safe place apart from the machine is a best practice to provide redundancy. The software can be easily and quickly installed from its installation media. Once the CNC Controller is installed, the working settings can be restored with the CNC Setup program and the copy of settings previously saved to backup. The advantage is to save time by being able to restore the machine back to working order quickly. Another advantage is that it makes it possible for the end-user or owner of the machine to restore the system. Both time and cost can be minimized.

How To Copy Settings To A Backup File


The first step to save settings is to launch the CNC Setup program through the shortcut icon on the Windows Desktop.

The Backup Button

Next, click on the labeled BACKUP button on the CNCSETUP Application

The Create Backup Window

In the Create Backup Window give the file an easy-to-remember name. Type in the name of the file using the ‘File Name:’ text box. Use the date and machine name as part of the file name as an example.

The file can be saved in any convenient and easy to find folder by using the Save In: drop down box and Windows navigation Controls.

Click on the Open/Save button to save the settings and create the backup file. The backup file is called the CBK Backup File because it has the extension .cbk.

The Backup Successful Confirmation

At the Backup prompt click the OK button to finish.