How to use Regcard to register a controller

What is the Regcard app

The regcard app is used to set which Galil motion controller the cnc control software is going to communicate with. The regcard app can be used to set a new controller. The regcard app can be used to confirm which controller has been set.

Use Windows File Exporer To Open Drive C

Select the AS3000 Folder

Select The CNC Folder

Find the Regcard.exe App

Right Click To Select Run As Administrator

Click on the Register Galil Card Button

Select A Controller Card

Select a controller card from the list by typing the controllers item list number into the text box.

Click On The OK Button To Confirm


After clicking on the OK button, there may be final message which you can click okay on. Once complete, the selected controller card will be ready. When launching the CNC, the controller set will be used.

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